Sunday, February 27, 2011

WANTED: Information on CARR'S BEACH

If you have any information on the history of CARR’s Beach and wish to participate in this book (see letter below), please let me know. It will be coming out this Spring. All contributors will be recognized.


January 28, 2011

To: Judith Fallon
Chesapeake Harbour Real Estate
Annapolis, MD. 21403

From: Andrew Karyle

I am preparing a book tentatively entitled A HISTORY OF AFRICAN AMERICAN BEACHES. It will be published by Harvard University Press in [SPRING 2012] and is intended for a scholarly audience. I am requesting your permission to use the material indicated below in my book, in all forms and in all languages, including future editions and translations.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Weekly Judyism

Sellers' Take Heed
Put Away What You Don't Need !!!

Clutter can often prevent any hope for a sale...make it as clutter-free as possible.
Take those photos, notes on frig, extra appliances, toys, placemats and box them up.

A cluttered home leaves buyers with a cluttered memory.

SO, de-clutter to make it show, and get it to glow.
